di malam yang di sinari bintang-bintang yang berkelipan dengan cahayanya yang bergemerlapan, ade segelintir budak-budak sebuah universiti enjoy-enjoy dikala peperiksaan semakin dekat. errk? ok.. no more kuno intro.
this event was held at Ssadis, rumah Eqbal Faiz (rumah aq jugak). actually, idea ni dah lame, tp baru berkesempatan nak buat.. Alhamdulillah everything going just fine. event ni start awal pagi bila kitorang ke Suq Syafi'e untuk mencari barang-barang keperluan mcm ikan,sayur2 & etc. honestly, i dont like this place at all. kna jalan jauh, panas lagi. tp kna g jgk.-.- to anyone yang xtau, dkt Suq Syafi'e n lah terletaknya makam Imam Syafi'e R.A. at least bleh la manfaat jgk walau malas nak pergi.
and that night.HAPPENING! xpercaya? take a look at this.
ikan bakor |
credit to Aqwa Diniy as a wonderful chef. untuk tempahan boleh lah contact fb dy. hahaha. also available 4 wedding fotography :)
ttibe sweet plak luqman..haha |
seriously, semua terpikat bila luqman wat muke mcm 2. OMG! he never done it before, but the first time is really something! dah xde legend kat muka. hahaha
hot dog atau ikan? |
Haziq & Aidil. memang rajin la. smua keje nk buat. mata pedih pon tahan. tp bila dah penat.....(tunggu jap lg).
mad : mata bulat laa..haa |
sempat lagi. 2 cowok pujaan ni memang suka bergambar. esp Haziq. aq sengaja letak pic dy banyak-banyak sebab aku tau mmg ramai pminat kat luar sane. btw, Mad pon ok pe. macho je. hahaha
thumbs up :D |
like this pic. look like a one big family. let it remain the same till forever.
zaim a.k.a Berg |
u know who is this? this is Zaim. juga lebih dikenali dengan berg. kenape? aku pon xtau..pggil je. hahaa..
nice pose anyway. alone with the plate.
Keletihan-.- |
this what i try to tell you. bila dah letih, sleep is the solution. Najim dah buat 1 video, terbaik punyer. to Haziq, kalau nak tengok, jangan muntah sudah. hahaha. sape nak tgk video 2? angkt tangan~ hahaha
aman m42 |
Abdul Rahman, aman, amang. macho je kalu ambik gambar, walaupon mata pedih masuk asap, rela ditahan, xnk bagi gmbar spoil. heee
uncle irfan |
i cant tell much about him. but without him, this night wont be so happy. his mouth always 'pot pet pot pet' but its ok as long as he still helping ^^
jom makan! |
ok, from left, mad, kimi, luqman, aqwa, hudzaifah, fauzan and ridhwan. and its time to eat! jom~!!
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