Sehari sebelum puasa baru ni, ade jaulah @ trip @ jalan-jalan ke Alexandria. One of beutiful beach city in Egypt. trip ni bukan disengajakan sebenarnya, semua ni angkara Eqbal dan CEO CS.XI, Mat Lajim. tempoh perjalanan terlalu singkat sebab kitorang berhajat untuk menunaikan terawih pertama Ramadhan di Kaherah. even trip ni hanya sehari atau tak sampai pun sebenarnya 24jam, we really enjoy it. and of course there are some picture from the trip. just for our blog reader.. joom usha2 :)
dari kiri : zaim, ashraf, Mat Lajim, Aidil, Hudzaifah, Muhd |
breathtaking view. nice. :) |
the sun almost gone. |
peace! |
meng'control' ayu. |
sunset dreaming |
like this |
'Even the day must give way to the night'- westlife - swear it again.let the night come and wash away your day stress.
with a surgeon. |
what this? |
apakah ini? really like a movie scene in front of my eyes. tiba-tiba je ade sebuah kereta ni berhenti depan kitorng, TERBAKAR !! kt bonet depan. api keluar bawah kereta. berasap. and i saw a mother try to save her child by taking them away from their car. his husband caling for help. fortunately, nothing bad happened. thanks to all pedestrian who help them, but not me...hee.. rase dah boleh tukar kereta agaknya.
kereta kudaa-.- |
nasihat kepada yang berhajat untuk ke sini, jangan lah naik kereta kuda. walaupon dia tawar harga yang murah dan xmasuk akal. contohnya, 40LE/trip. semua itu adalah tipu! selepas habis 1 trip, bukan 40LE yang diminta, tp beratus2 genih. sampai 400LE. ade jugak pelajar kt sane ckp pembawa kereta kuda ni pernah pukau pelancong. habis semua di kebas. *u**ing old bastard!! tobak belom mapuh!
way home. at Ramses |
Alhamdulillah we had a nice and safe journey but really tired actually. at ramses after praying. those picture were taken by two camera, eqbal and mine. he using Canon AE1 and i'm using Nikon D3100. really nice picture made by his film SLR. solute that. really classic.insyaAllah thats all for now. Assalamualaikum. :)
-banyakkan ibadah, tingkatkan amal jariah- ramadhan kareem
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